Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Rules

These rules will be ever evolving. This is where I am at right now, what works for me.

Work Fast-and Focus on ONE thing at a time
as a mother to two small boys my attention can be pulled away from my task at any moment. Therefore, I have found when I work quickly, I am more likely to get my task done. A sink full of dishes does not have to take an hour. If I focus on  ONLY ONE STEP AT A TIME, for example, washing dishes (no wiping counters, gather dishes, etc.), I can wash a sink full in 10 minutes. Being focused does not mean that I do not step away when the children need me. It is all the better because if I am only doing one thing, I am more likely to remember exactly what I was working on when I return to my work when I am through attending to the children's needs. So what if its an hour later? (I wish I was kidding sometimes)

Work your hardest, but let go of perfectionism
I find that when my goal is perfection, I set myself up for failure. I get so overwhelmed with the endless possibilities of things that can get done that I hardly make a dent. Instead, I try to work extremely hard (on one task of course) for a certain amount of time. If I put in high intensity to whatever I am doing, I tend to find the end result extremely satisfying. Its better to focus on what you did do, instead of what you didn't do.


The Beginning

So here it is. Rock bottom... or at least it feels that way.

Have you been there?  you're family has the flu, your house is a mess, you still haven't lost the pregnancy weight, your child is having behavior problems, you are fighting with your spouse, (read: feels like your marriage is falling apart), it feels like you are fighting with almost everyone around you, you are totally uninspired in the kitchen, clutter is taking over your life, your spiritual life is pallid, you feel totally worthless and under appreciated.

Basically, you think are having your quarter life crisis!

But you are mom, and mom doesn't have the luxury of a bad day; too many people are counting on you.

So normally, this is where I stop whining and begin self loathing. I can't stand myself for not being "perfect". This never works for anyone. They need me. So now what?

Now I start blogging.

I am ready to turn my life around one step at a time. One blog at a time. This sounds so cheesy. But mama is desperate. And desperate times call for desperate measures.

If you are stumbling upon this blog, lucky you, you get to take this crazy adventure with us. I hope that over time, this blog may become a blessing to other mothers feeling overwhelmed. I hope it to become a community of support for those feeling lonely in the difficult times of motherhood.

I also hope it to be a resource for fitness, eating, crafting, spirituality, relationships and all things homemaking.

